Kathryn Moriarty Bailey
Class of 2005
Bob Brucken
Class of 1956
Joe Chlapaty H’09
Danielle Cisler
Class of 2005
Janice Downey Donoghue
Assistant Secretary — Class of 1975

Kathleen Poorman Dougherty
Interim President
Jim Fryfogle
Class of 1973
Robert Goldsmith
Secretary — Class of 1974
Rochelle Schrecongost Goodwin
Class of 1996
David Hill
Class of 1984
Jack Hopkins
Class of 1965
Mary Studders Korn
Chair - Class of 1982
Michael Moffitt
Class of 1991
Kevin O'Neill
Class of 1987
Stephanie Esparza Peloquin
Treasurer — Class of 2006
Marc Ponchione
Class of 1996