Marietta College is committed to serving and educating our veterans, military personnel, and their families! The College recognizes the sacrifices our service members and their families make, and it is dedicated to helping this special group succeed on their academic journey. Marietta College is recognized as an Ohio Purple Star institution for its support programs for students with military backgrounds. The Marietta College Veteran and Military Student Center serves the needs of student veterans and military-affiliated students. Do not hesitate to contact us with any questions, for assistance with the admission process, or to ensure that you receive the benefits you are entitled to.
- Enrolling at Marietta College
- Apply for the GI Bill and Related Education Benefits
Learn how to apply for VA education benefits as a Veteran, service member, or qualified family member. Visit the VA How to Apply page to see what documents you may need to apply.
Complete the Online Form for VA Education Benefits. Processing of this form can take up to 30 days. Once the processing is complete, you will receive a Certificate of Eligibility stating your benefits. Be sure to send this to an MC Certifying Official to have you benefits applied to your account. See the below contact information for Financial Aid to find your Certifying Official.
You may also complete the VA Form 22-1990 (PDF) and mail it to the VA Regional Processing Office for the state or region of your home address.
- VA Requirement for Post 9/11 GI Bill® (Chapter 33) Recipients
Post-9/11 GI Bill® students attending Institutions of Higher Learning (IHL) who receive Monthly Housing Allowance (MHA) and/or kicker payments are required to verify enrollment at the end of each month. This applies to IHL students with terms starting on or after December 17, 2021. Contact the registrar for more information! You may also visit the VA website.
GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website.
- Resources for Veterans
Marietta College’s Career Services are available to while you’re studying and beyond. When you’re ready to think about your next steps after college, contact our Career Services office for resume and job search assistance. Check out Ohio’s job search page too!
- Student Veterans of America
Marietta College’s Student Veterans of America chapter regularly engages with our local community and veterans organizations to host fund raisers and service projects. This student organization isn’t open to just veterans, but also military-affiliated students who may be using veteran benefits to attend Marietta College. Want to get involved? Email Jason Nulton at jdn001@marietta.edu.
- Veteran and Military Student Center
Marietta College’s Veteran and Military Student Center is located in McDonough 204, and includes a lounge equipped with mini-fridge, microwave, Keurig, television, comfortable furniture, and quiet study spaces. The center is available to all student veterans, servicemembers, and military-affiliated students (those who use GI Bill or similar veteran benefits to attend Marietta College).
- Student Veteran Policies
Deployments: A Leave of Absence policy exists for any student (veteran or non-veteran). If an enrolled service member is called to active duty (for deployment, training, etc.), they will be eligible to resume studies upon completion of their term of service. If deployed after the add/drop period for a given semester has ended, the college will work with the student and their professors to arrange for grades of incomplete, where possible. In cases where an incomplete grade is not possible, a non-punitive grade of “W” will be recorded.
MC fees: “There are no fees associated with the application for admission or for evaluation or transcribing of military or transfer credit, nor other types of credit for prior learning.” Contact Financial Aid for more information.
Transfer Credits: Marietta College accepts military transcripts for consideration of credit transfer as part of the admissions process. Applicants should submit official military transcripts and/or a DD-214 for review by the Registrar’s office, along with official transcripts from any prior institutions of higher education attended.