Earn College Credit as a High School Student
College Credit Plus (CCP) at Marietta College provides participating high schools and students a viable way to experience a demanding curriculum through college-level courses while earning high school and college credit.
Types of Enrollment
1. Dual Enrollment
Students enrolling in Marietta College’s Dual Enrollment Program take classes at their high school and earn high school and college credit for a select set of preapproved courses. The family share of CCP tuition at Marietta College is $33 per credit hour. To enroll in our Dual Enrollment Program, you must first register for the approved course at your high school, then complete the CCP application process.
2. Direct Enrollment
Marietta College offers high school juniors and seniors the opportunity to participate in the Direct Enroll Program and take MC courses on our beautiful campus in a college academic environment. The family share of CCP tuition at Marietta College is $33 per credit hour.
Dual Enrollment Application
To enroll in our Dual Enrollment Program, you must first register for the approved course at your high school, then complete the CCP application process outlined below.
- Turn in letter of intent to your school (the high school will indicate the deadline for this)
- CCP application
- To complete the application please do the following:
- 1. Click on the application link
- 2. Create an account
- 3. Create a log-in
- 4. Create a password
- 5. Complete the application
- Submit high school transcripts
- Verification of test scores required for state eligibility
Direct Enrollment Application
Students interested in the Direct Enrollment must provide the following:
- Letter of Intent turned into High School
- CCP application
- To complete the application please do the following:
- 1. Click on the application link
- 2. Create an account
- 3. Create a log-in
- 4. Create a password
- 5. Complete the application
- Submit high school transcripts
- Verification of test scores required for state eligibility
Decision Process and Registration
Upon completion of the application materials, a CCP counselor will review your materials and notify you by email of your admission decision. Students who are selected to participate in the CCP program at Marietta College will be directed on how to complete the registration form.
Please note that dual enrollment registration will take place with the high school teacher and CCP advisor.
Registration for the direct enrollment registration will take place with the CCP advisor. Once accepted and prior to registering for classes, a meeting with the CCP advisor must be arranged by contacting Tina Hickman at perduet@marietta.edu or 740.376.4740. Registration will take place one week before the start of the term.
Deadline Dates
Students must apply and be accepted by the following dates:
- May 15th for summer classes
- August 15th for fall semester classes
- December 15th for spring semester classes
CCP Contacts
Christy Burke, Director of Education Abroad and Graduate Recruitment, can answer questions about the application and acceptance processes. She can be contacted at cb002@marietta.edu or 740.376.4708.
To learn more about College Credit Plus, please visit the College Credit Plus webpage at Ohio Higher Education.

Frequently Asked Questions
- What types of courses can I take with the Direct Enroll Program?
Courses eligible for college credit and College Credit Plus funding are determined by the State of Ohio. Please review State of Ohio College Credit Plus course eligibility requirements.
Level I Courses
Level I Courses are for students who have not yet completed the minimum of 15 transferable credit hours. It's called the "First 15" Rule: Students must complete 15 credit hours in Level I courses before progressing to Level II courses.
For example:
- Transferable course: Transfer 36 (T36), Transfer Assurance Guide (TAG) or Career-Technical Assurance Guide (CTAG) courses
- Courses in computer science, information technology, anatomy, physiology or foreign language, including American Sign Language
- Technical certificate courses
- 15-credit or 30-credit hour model pathway courses
- Study skills, academic or career success courses
- Internship courses
Level II Courses
After students have met the requirements of earning 15 transferable credit hours, they can enroll in any other allowable courses, referred to as Level II Courses. Enrolling in Level II courses is also based on availability and course prerequisites.
*Exceptions may be given to students who test into a Level II course or have AP/IB credit that places them into a Level II course. Contact your CCP Coordinator for more information.
Non-qualifying Courses
- Certain courses do not qualify for CCP funding under College Credit Plus Regulations
- One-on-one private instruction courses
- Courses with high fees ($750 or more, starting in spring 2019)
- Study abroad courses
- Physical education courses
- Pass/Fail or S/U grade courses unless an internship or transferable course
- Remedial courses
- Sectarian religion courses
- I am home-schooled, can I participate in CCP?
Yes, please visit the College Credit Plus for Home-School Families resource for home-school families provided by the Ohio Department of Education & Workforce.
- I attend a nonpublic school, can I participate in CCP?
Yes, please visit the College Credit Plus for Nonpublic School Programs resource for students provided by the Ohio Department of Education & Workforce.
- How does a parent obtain access to the academic records of a CCP class?
Students taking College Credit Plus courses are considered both high school and college students. When a minor-aged student progresses through a K-12 school, the parents and guardians have the right to access educational records and additional information on their student. However, when a student attends a college or university, these rights transfer to the student regardless of their age. This letter from the Ohio Department of Education & Workforce outlines options for parent or guardian access to the student’s college records.
- Will mature content in course material be altered based on student age?
Colleges are not required to modify course content based on the ages of the students. The Ohio Revised Code 3365.12(A) requires: “All courses offered under the college credit plus program shall be the same courses that are included in the partnering college’s course catalogue for college-level, nonremedial courses …” Additionally, if the course is offered at a high school location, Ohio Administrative Code 3333-1-65.4(A)(2) requires: “The college credit plus course … shall follow the same course syllabus and learning outcomes, use the same text book and materials and assessment as the college course delivered on the campus.”
- How do CCP grades appear on my high school transcript?
High school credit awarded for courses successfully completed under College Credit Plus will appear on your high school transcript. Courses successfully completed under College Credit Plus must be listed by course title on the high school transcript. All College Credit Plus courses will be computed into the GPA using the same scale as Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, or honors courses in your district, based on the common subject area - not curriculum - of the weighted advanced standing class/course.
- How do I know if my high school has CCP dual enrollment options?
Please contact your guidance office to find out if your high school has an arrangement with Marietta College for dual enrollment.
Commonly Taken CCP Courses
ART 101: Drawing I
ARTH 161: Art Appreciation
BIOL 101: Modern Biology
CHEM 101: Modern Chemistry
CHIN 101: Elementary Conversational Chinese
COLL 150: Introduction to Critical Readin & Thinking
COMM 110: Human Communication
CSCI 110: Computing in Business
CYBR 270: Security in Organizations
ECON 211: Principles of Microeconomics
EDUC 130: Technology in the Classroom
EDUC 202: Educational Psychology
ENGL 151: Introduction to Literature
ENTR 101: Entrepreneurial Mindset
ENVR 210: Introduction to Environmental Science
GEOL 101: Introduction to Environmental Geology
HIST 102: U.S. History since 1877
LEAD 111: Foundations of American Leadership
MASS 101: Media and Society
MATH 125: Calculus I
MKTG 201: Principles of Marketing
MNGT 201: Managing Organizations
MUSC 231: History of Jazz
PHIL 120: Moral Philosophy
PHYS 211: College Physics I
POLS 130: Introduction to World Politics
PSYC 101: Introduction to Psychology
RELI 106: Alternative Religions in America
SMGT 280: Sports Management
SOCI 102: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
SPAN 101: Spanish Level I
WRIT 101: Basic English Composition