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Student Organization Guide
Students from MEDLIFE pose with a poster during the Student Involvement Fair


American Advertising Federation (AAF)

Provides students with opportunities to gain valuable insights into the worlds of advertising and connects them with industry professionals.

American Association of Drilling Engineers

Provides students with educational and networking opportunities related to the oil and gas industry as well as opportunities to expand their knowledge of the oil and gas industry.

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

Acts as the on-campus representation of the Professional Society of AAPG and helps students develop themselves professionally.

Biology Club

Provides an opportunity for students from all majors and fields of study to learn and participate in experiential learning opportunities in various biology-related subjects.

Chemistry Club

Gives students with an interest in chemistry the opportunity to build community.

Collegiate National Association for Music Education (CNAfME)

Promotes the professional development of students in the field of Music Education.

Future Energy Producers of America

Educates students on energy and engineering practices.

Geology Club

Builds community amongst students interested in Geology.

International Association of Drilling Contractors

Teaches students more about the drilling industry and provides them with networking opportunities.

Marietta College Association for Computing Machinery

Promotes an increased knowledge of and greater interest in the science, design, development, construction, languages, management, and applications of modern computing.

Marietta College Landman Association

Works to educate all members of the land and energy management program on the field, and provides opportunities for professional development.

Marietta College Physician Assistant Student Society

Serves as the official organization for physician assistant students to promote academic achievement, clinical excellence, and professional growth.

Marietta College Sports Medicine

Educates club members on the sports medicine field and promotes the field of sports medicine across campus.

Model UN

To learn more about world politics by preparing for and attending inter-collegiate simulations where students roleplay diplomats from assigned countries on designated United Nations committees that try to resolve international problems.

National Society of Leadership and Success

Helps students discover and achieve their goals, offering life-changing lectures from the nation’s leading presenters, establishing a community where like-minded, success-oriented individuals come together and help one another succeed.

Psychology Club

Builds a community amongst students from varying disciplines where current issues in psychology are discussed.

Scholars Community

Promotes high standards of academic achievement, encourages community service and involvement, fosters social development, and embraces the comprehensive values of a liberal arts education in the Marietta College community.

Society of Petroleum Engineers

Develops students’ knowledge of the petroleum industry through trips, info sessions, and other professional development events.

Spanish Club

Fosters awareness of Latinx and Hispanic culture, raises awareness, and advocates for diversity both on campus and in the surrounding community while engaging in the Spanish language outside of the classroom.

Sports Business Association (SBA)

Develops students’ interest in a career in sport through job shadows, professional networking opportunities, lunch and learns, and other activities that connect students to working industry professionals and give students hands-on experience.

Student Government Association (SGA)

Channel through which the undergraduate serves as the conduit between the Student Body and the rest of the college, including the faculty, staff, and administration. In addition, SGA determines the funding for most of the non-Greek organizations on campus.

Student Pioneers of Music Therapy

Comprised of students in and outside of the major, hosts music related events to share their passion with those on campus and in the community.

Women in STEM

Empowers, promotes, and supports women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields.

Students participating in Make A Difference Day

Academic Honor Societies

  • Alpha Alpha Alpha- First-Generation Students
  • Alpha Delta Sigma- Advertising
  • Alpha Epsilon Rho- Broadcasting
  • Alpha Lambda Delta- Freshman
  • Alpha Psi Omega- Drama
  • Beta Beta Beta- Biology
  • Kappa Alpha Omicron- Environmental Science
  • Kappa Delta Pi- Education
  • Kappa Mu Epsilon- Mathematics
  • Kappa Pi- Art
  • Lambda Pi Eta- Communication
  • Mu Psi Kappa- Music
  • Omicron Delta Epsilon- Economics
  • Omicron Delta Kappa- Leadership
  • Phi Alpha Theta- History
  • Phi Beta Kappa- Liberal Arts and Sciences
  • Phi Sigma Iota- Foreign Languages and Literature
  • Pi Epsilon Tau- Petroleum Engineering
  • Pi Kappa Delta- Speech and Debate
  • Pi Sigma Alpha- Political Science
  • Psi Chi- Psychology
  • Sigma Delta Pi- Spanish
  • Sigma Gamma Epsilon- Earth Sciences
  • Sigma Pi Sigma- Physics
  • Sigma Tau Delta- English
  • Tau Pi Phi- Business and Economics
Members of the Women's Rowing team row along the Muskingum River

Intercollegiate Athletic Teams


  • Baseball
  • Basketball
  • Cross Country
  • Esports
  • Football
  • Golf
  • Lacrosse
  • Rowing
  • Soccer
  • Tennis
  • Track & Field


  • Basketball
  • Cross Country
  • Esports
  • Golf
  • Lacrosse
  • Rowing
  • Soccer
  • Softball
  • Tennis
  • Track & Field
  • Volleyball
Student's holding signs that say: 'to me diversity means' during the Celebration of Diversity

Student Connections and Outreach

Black Student Union (BSU)

This organization hopes to reform the Marietta College campus and community environment in order to provide students of Color the social environment conducive to their intellectual, emotional, and personal growth.

Brother 2 Brother

Helps boys of many different backgrounds become men through meetings and discussing situations in their lives and around campus, while simultaneously helping out and supporting different groups around campus.

Global Connections

Brings awareness of multicultural coexistence by providing not only an opportunity to enhance campus and community life, but also a life-changing experience, an opportunity to build their resume, and an educational adventure.

LGBTQ+ Activism

Exists to improve the lives and safety of marginalized students through providing a community space for LGBTQ+ students, educational programs, fundraising, and political demonstrations.

Chi Omega sisters during Bid Day

Greek Life

  • Alpha Sigma Phi (Male)
  • Alpha Tau Omega (Male)
  • Alpha Xi Delta (Female)
  • Chi Omega (Female)
  • Delta Tau Delta (Male)
  • Sigma Kappa (Female)
  • Interfraternity Council
  • Order of the Omega
  • Panhellenic Council
Marietta College students playing intramural volleyball


  • 3-on-3 Basketball (Fall)
  • 5-on-5 Basketball (Spring)
  • Cornhole (Fall)
  • Flag Football (Fall)
  • Golf (Spring)
  • Soccer (Spring)
  • Softball (Spring)
  • Sand Volleyball (Spring)
  • Volleyball (Fall)
Hailey Lanham speaks into a microphone in the audio studio in McKinney Media Center

Student Media

National Electronic Media Association- NBS-AERho

Encourages and rewards scholarship and accomplishment among students of broadcasting in the Alpha Epsilon
Rho honor society and helps to establish meaningful communication between students and professional broadcasters.

The Marcolian

Campus newspaper that provides students an opportunity to prepare and produce multimedia news and work in collaboration with the other campus news organizations.


An in-house magazine featuring student writing edited and published by Sigma Tau Delta, the English honor society.


An on-campus TV station that broadcasts student-produced news, sports and public affairs programs to 12,000 households using facilities that include a large main studio, master control, field production equipment and Final Cut Pro editing systems (similar to the systems used by CNN and ESPN).

WCMO-FM 98.5

A 100-watt LP class station that broadcasts contemporary music and local events throughout the campus and within a six-
mile radius of the City of Marietta that is nearly all live and student-driven.

WMRT-FM 88.3

A 9,200-watt student-run station, with a range of 30 miles, which broadcasts classical music, jazz and show tunes, as well as national, regional, state and local news, weather and sports.

Choir students singing



  • American Choral Directors Association (ACDA)
  • Concert Choir
  • Floodstage
  • Oratorio Chorus
  • Women’s Choir


  • BONK!
  • Chamber Ensemble
  • Jazz Ensemble/Combo
  • Pep Band
  • Symphonic Band
  • Wind Ensemble
Global Connections students pose for a photo during the involvement fair.


Marietta College Democrats

Promotes the ideas of the Democratic Party.

Marietta College Republicans

Promotes the ideas of the Republican Party.

United Women of Power

Unites and empowers women of all races, ethnicities, sexual orientations and backgrounds at Marietta College with aims to equip women with the skills and knowledge necessary to become leaders on campus, in their communities, and in careers after graduation.

PAC Group Photo


Pioneer Activity Council (PAC)

Plans and implements quality, diverse, social, educational, and innovative activities for the campus community.

Morgan Tiller '23 waters plants with a hose in a greenhouse


Chess Club

Provides an opportunity for students to learn to play chess and cultivates a competitive environment for basic and advanced players.

Coloring Club

Offers students the opportunity to relieve stress through coloring while interacting with fellow colorists.

Cornhole Club

Creates an opportunity of students to expand their knowledge of cornhole and play with other students who share their interest. 

Cycling Club

Fosters a community amongst students who enjoy cycling.

Disc Golf Club

Brings students together to have fun and meet new people while playing disc golf.

Dungeons and Dragons Club

Builds a campus community based on playing Dungeons and Dragons.

Gardening Club

Helps spread environmental awareness on campus and brings together students who share an interest in gardening.

Marietta College Golf Association

Brings together students who share an interest in golfing and provides them with an opportunity to play at local courses at a
reduced rate.

Marietta Sportsman’s Club

Helps farmers and local landowners effectively manage wildlife on their property and decrease crop damage, while also bringing knowledge and awareness of game management to the student body.

Ski Club

Works to promote the education of skills related to skiing and snowboarding and provides an environment where students
can spend time together and de-stress.

Star Wars Club

Brings students together who enjoy Star Wars.

Ultimate Frisbee

Provides an opportunity for students to relieve stress and bond over ultimate frisbee.

Students stand in line at a food truck during Marietta Mindset's Feel Good Friday


Cru at Marietta College

Serves as a caring community passionate about connecting people to Jesus Christ.


Corps for Rural and Urban Success in Health (CRUSH)

Works to bring awareness to the inequalities in health care and provides students the opportunity to address disparities at the college and in the community.

Fair Trade Club

Educates students in ways they can incorporate more sustainable and ethical practices into their lives.

Marietta Mindset

Focuses on the mental health of Marietta students through community activities focused on social connection, peer support, and self-care.


Works to bring awareness to the inequalities in health care and provides students with an opportunity to serve the local community and abroad.

Event Planning Resources

  • Catertrax: Use this system to order food or beverages through Parkhurst Dining, Marietta College’s dining services provider. The staff in Gilman will help you create the ideal menu for your event. We recommend reaching out to Parkhurst at least two weeks before your event date.
  • Facilities Registration: To request a space in which to host your event, log on to your MyMarietta portal, scroll all the way down, and on the right side of the page, click “Facilities Reservation.” This will bring you to the EventPro system, where you can see what rooms are available and put in your request. For recurring events such as weekly meetings, it’s best if you stop by the Office of Campus Involvement for assistance.
  • Advertising Policies: It is the policy of Marietta College to allow as much space as possible to recognized College clubs and organizations for the purpose of publicizing their events and activities. The college reserves the right to discard any publications from outside businesses or campus organizations that are not approved by the Office of Campus Involvement. Note that individual campus buildings have additional guidelines regarding the placement of advertising.
  • Student Learning & Development Transcript 
    • As a student, you’re involved in many activities and organizations during your four years at Marietta College. With every co-curricular activity, you develop and strengthen specific skills that will benefit you long after you graduate. To capture this outside-the-classroom learning, the Student Learning & Development Transcript was designed to keep an accurate account of all the value-added learning you experience here at Marietta College.
    • The SLDT can be found in the MyMarietta portal by clicking on the “Collaboration” icon, choosing the “Student Academics” option, and then “Student Learning & Development Transcript” link.
    • Students are encouraged to begin tracking their involvement their very first semester on campus, because the sooner you begin, the easier it will be to keep track! The SLDT can help students prepare their résumé, supplement their graduate school and scholarship applications, and assist students take the fullest advantage of the Marietta College experience.