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College Policies

Absences Due to Co-Curricular Events or Religious Observances

Classes missed due to participation in college-sponsored co-curricular events or college-recognized religious observances are considered excused absences provided appropriate procedures are followed. The student must notify the instructor at the earliest possible time before the absence and arrange to make up missed work as defined by the instructor’s syllabus.   

Academic Dishonesty:

Dishonesty within the academic community is a very serious matter, because dishonesty destroys the basic trust necessary for a healthy educational environment. Academic dishonesty is any treatment or representation of work as if one were fully responsible for it, when it is in fact the work of another person. Academic dishonesty includes cheating, plagiarism, theft, or improper manipulation of laboratory or research data or theft of services.  Note that plagiarism is any form of representing work as a student’s own, when it is not in fact the student’s own work. This includes submitting work generated by an artificial intelligence (AI) text generator. A substantiated case of academic dishonesty may result in disciplinary action, including a failing grade on the project, a failing grade in the course, or expulsion from the College.   

Documented Disabilities:

Students who believe that they qualify for academic accommodations due to a documented disability should contact Lindsay Morgan, Director of Accessibility Services (Thomas 212). Students must complete the request form and provide supporting documentation.


Marietta College has partnered with EAB to provide students, advisors, and staff with access to the Navigate platform. Navigate provides a way for faculty,  staff, and students to connect and collaborate, ensuring the student receives support needed to be successful at Marietta College. Navigate contains a full calendaring system enabling students to easily make appointments with support services and academic advisors. Attendance records and academic updates may be reported in Navigate.

Health and Wellness:

A recent American College Health Survey found stress, sleep problems, anxiety, depression, interpersonal concerns, death of a significant other and alcohol use among the top ten health impediments to academic performance. Students experiencing personal problems or situational crises during the semester are encouraged to contact the Dr. J. Michael Harding Center for Health and Wellness (740.376.4477) for assistance, support and advocacy. This service is free and confidential.

Students’ mental health and emotional well-being matters at Marietta College:

Students are encouraged to make self-care a priority.  Students are urged to utilize counseling services (call 740-376-4477 for an appointment) and other campus resources (Peer2Peer support center is located on the 2nd floor of Andrews Hall) if struggling with distress or mental health issues.  Faculty and staff encourage students to reach out if struggling with mental health issues. 

Academic Accommodations:

Students who believe that they need academic accommodations due to a diagnosed disability or condition should present documentation to Lindsay Morgan, Director of Accessibility Services, Thomas 212. 740.376.4467. Students must meet with the Director of Accessibility Services to verify their eligibility for any accommodations. The Director will determine appropriate accommodations and will communicate with the student’s instructors. See the Accessibility Services website for more information.

Notice of Non-Discrimination:

Marietta College is an equal opportunity educator and employer that values diversity. In our educational, admissions and employment policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other activities, Marietta College does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, national or ethnic origin, disability, sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, veteran status, or any other protected status.

Responsibility for coordination of compliance efforts and receipt of inquiries concerning Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 (the latter related to employee concerns only) has been delegated to: Caprice Hudson, Director of Human Resources, 740.376.4835,

Responsibility for coordination of compliance efforts and receipt of inquiries concerning Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 (the latter related to student concerns only) has been delegated to: Lindsay Morgan, Director of Accessibility Services/504 Coordinator, 740.376.4467,

Responsibility for coordination of compliance efforts and receipt of inquiries concerning Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (gender-based discrimination and harassment) has been delegated to: Richard Danford, Title IX Coordinator, 740.376.4899,

Student Academic Resources

Academic Success Coaching:

ARC academic success coaching is a free service available to support students in skill development as they work to achieve their goals. Working one-on-one with an Academic Success Coach, individuals can learn about techniques related to time management, note-taking, reading skills, exam preparation, overcoming test anxiety, motivation, etc. To book an appointment email or stop by the third floor of Andrews Hall.

MC Tutoring

For additional support outside of the classroom, students can meet with a peer tutor to review subject content or to get assistance with the writing process. Schedule an appointment here. If you are seeking a course that is not currently listed on the schedule or a time that is not conducive to your schedule, please contact Amanda Cech at for assistance or use our 24/7 online tutoring partner TutorMe. Links to this service are found in every Canvas space. All tutoring at Marietta College is at no cost to the student.