The Marietta College Choirs and Band are excited to be hosting the annual Winter Gala at 6:00 p.m., Friday, February 25th, in the Dyson Baudo Recreation Center.
“The choir has historically hosted this event but this year we are combining with the Marietta College Wind Ensemble,” said Dr. Jay Dougherty, Director of Choral Activities. “We’re excited to collaborate on this effort and perform a few pieces together. Not only will the Concert Choir and Wind Ensemble perform together, but the Oratorio Chorus will join forces with us as well. This will be a great night of good food and great music.”
Doors open at 5:30 p.m. There will be a catered dinner, wine, dessert, and a silent auction. Advance ticket purchases only ($40 each) and sales close on Friday, February 18th. All proceeds go to benefit the Marietta College Choirs and Band. Tickets can be purchased at www.tinyurl.com/wg2022.