Dr. Alex Tabarrok, Professor of Economics at George Mason University, will deliver the 39th annual Milton Friedman Lecture at 7:00 p.m., Thursday, January 26th, at Marietta College’s Alma McDonough Auditorium.
Tabarrok, the Bartley J. Madden Chair in Economics at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, will speak about the U.S. Pandemic Policy: Failures, Successes, and Lessons.
He has written extensively about healthcare policy, patent-system reform, the effectiveness of bounty hunters, how judicial elections bias judges, and how local poverty rates impact trial decisions by juries. He has also written about methods for increasing the supply of human organs for transplant, the regulation of pharmaceuticals by the FDA, and voting systems.
During the pandemic, Tabarrok was an advisor to the U.S. government on using incentives to accelerate vaccine production. Tabarrok’s papers have appeared in Science, The Journal of Human Resources, The Journal of Law and Economics, the Journal of Health Economics, The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), and many other journals.
Tabarrok is the co-author, with Mercatus colleague Tyler Cowen, of the popular economics blog Marginal Revolution and cofounder of the online educational platform Marginal Revolution University. He is the co-author of Modern Principles of Economics, and his popular articles have appeared in the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, and many other prestigious publications.
Tabarrok will also speak at the Economic Roundtable of the Ohio Valley at noon, Friday, January 27th, at The Adelphia in Marietta. He will speak about “Patents, Intellectual Property and the Rise of the Rent-Seeking Society.”
The Economic Roundtable of the Ohio Valley is a non-partisan, non-political educational organization that was formed in 1982 as a result of a collaboration between Marietta College’s Business and Economics Department, and a mix of business, civic, and educational leaders. The object of the Economic Roundtable is to promote an interest in and to enlighten its members and others in the community on important governmental, economic, and social issues. Since its inception, the Economic Roundtable of the Ohio Valley has presented the Ohio Valley with more than 200 distinguished speakers who have enlightened and informed ERT members with their fascinating discussion on a broad scope of governmental, economic, and social issues.
The ERT speaker series is open to its members and their guests. The ERT’s membership is open to all interested individuals at $35 a year. Special rates are available to young professionals and organizations. To join the ERT, contact Greg Delemeester at delemeeg@marietta.edu, or visit the ERT website.