The academic study of religion explores an important aspect of human experience and civilization. It exposes students to the diverse beliefs of others, and challenges them to articulate their own answers to questions about ethics and the purpose of life.
Students pursuing a minor in religion take courses that describe and compare the mainstream world religions as well as smaller alternative movements, that analyze sacred texts, that place religions in historical and cultural contexts, and that engage in disciplined normative reflection on theological and moral issues.
Combined with the right major, the religion minor can be an asset in many careers, including ministry, social service, psychological counseling, publishing, journalism, or education.

What will you learn by minoring in Religion?
Starting out with Five Big Religions/Five Big Questions, students pursuing a Religion minor explore the five major world religions: Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism.
Diverse Courses
Students earning a minor in Religion can choose from various courses such as the History of Buddhism, the History of African American Religion, the Ancient World, or Alternative Religions in America.
Critical Thinking
In the tradition of the liberal arts, students hone their problem-solving and analytical skills through research projects, group discussions, and reflection.
- Where can I get help with my writing skills?
Marietta's Academic Resource Center offers the Writing Center in Thomas Hall — free support to all students regardless of major.
- Do I have to complete an internship for a Religion Minor?
No. Typically, minors do not require a professional internship.