Earn a Master of Arts in Psychology
This highly selective graduate program challenges students with a rigorous academic curriculum in general psychology. The program provides opportunities to pursue an individual research thesis in the areas of clinical, cognitive, social, physiological, and developmental psychology.
Marietta’s program consists of 36 hours of graduate psychology courses, including 24 hours of advanced general psychology coursework, six hours of experiential electives related to an internship experience in psychology, and six hours of empirical thesis research that concludes with a written thesis and successful oral thesis defense to a committee.
The Marietta College Master of Arts in Psychology (MAP) Program began in 2003. The program offers a rigorous academic curriculum in general psychology that covers the major subfields of psychology. It also offers students the opportunity to obtain research and applied experience in psychology.
The MAP Program has two completion “tracks.” The MA track is a full-time track (three graduate courses per semester) designed to be completed in two academic years. The second track is the BA/MA track, and is only available to full-time Marietta College undergraduate psychology majors. Accepted students in the BA/MA track complete their undergraduate degree requirements while taking some MAP courses (typically four courses) during their senior year. The BA/MA track is designed to have students complete the MAP program during their fifth year. Both MAP tracks require 36 credit hours (12 courses) composed of core courses, electives from the major subfields of psychology, experiential applied electives related to a professional experience in psychology, and thesis research.
The MAP Program is located on the top two floors of Mills Hall and contains the following departmental facilities available for graduate students:
- A human research lab, including an observation room with one-way windows for individual and group research, and individual research cubicles with PCs and research software
- A computer lab/classroom with specialized software, including SPSS, Excel, etc.
- Classroom and seminar conference rooms
- Graduate office and lab space, graduate mailboxes, and a student lounge/reading room

What You’ll Learn While Studying for an MA in Psychology
Dedicated professors collaborate with graduate students to conduct serious research, collaborate and publish papers, and present their work at professional conferences. Graduate students can join the Psychology Research Lab, working with faculty and undergraduate students on various cognitive, social, evolutionary, and neuropsychology research projects.
Qualifications to Apply
Applying students must have a bachelor’s degree with a major or minor in Psychology from an accredited college or university; or have completed at least 12 undergraduate hours in Psychology, including courses in Introductory Psychology, Behavioral Statistics, and Research Methods. Candidates must have a minimum 3.0 GPA in both their overall undergraduate work and their Psychology concentration to be considered for Marietta's graduate program, though some case-by-case considerations may be made.
3+2 MAP Program
Undergraduate Psychology majors attending Marietta College have the opportunity to enter a five-year BA/MA program. Students apply during their junior year to the BA/MA graduate program. Accepted students take graduate-level courses part-time during their senior undergraduate year. During the fifth year, they become full-time graduate students on track to complete the BA/MA program at the end of that academic year.
More Info
The program's goal is to prepare students for doctoral programs in psychology or to prepare them to seek employment at the Master’s level in a psychologically related field.
- How to Apply
Review of applicants is continual. Incoming students may begin the MAP Program in either the fall or spring semester. We encourage applicants to submit their applications as early as possible (March for fall applications, November for spring applications) for priority consideration.
Admission Requirements
Admission to the graduate program is competitive and selective. Students applying are required to have completed either a bachelor’s degree with a major or minor in psychology from an accredited college or university or to have completed a minimum of 12 undergraduate credit hours in psychology. They are expected to have completed the following courses: Introductory Psychology, Behavioral Statistics, and Research Methods.
3+2 BA/MA for current MC Students
If you are a current Marietta College student wanting to participate in the 3+2 BA/MA program, please complete this form and return it to Dr. May, maye@marietta.edu:
The application process to the Master of Arts in Psychology Program for all other applicants includes the following:
- A completed Marietta College MAP Application.
- Two letters of recommendation attesting to your ability to perform graduate-level work (these should be from college instructors).
- Official transcripts of all college-level work, including any graduate work.
- A one-page essay describing your professional goals for your graduate education in psychology and why the MAP program fits these goals.
Please return all the application materials to Dr. Ryan May, Director of the MAP Program, Department of Psychology, Marietta College, 215 Fifth Street, Marietta, OH 45750. Additionally, materials may be sent electronically to Dr. Ryan May at maye@marietta.edu. Please call 740.376.4767 with any questions.
- Graduate Assistantships
Marietta College’s Master of Arts in Psychology program (MAP) offers several funded Graduate Assistantship positions each academic year. Graduate assistants work a maximum of 15 hours weekly in the psychology department and receive a paid stipend of approximately $4,000 per academic year. Graduate Assistant positions also provide students with professional training and experience valued by both doctoral programs and employers.
Applications for Graduate Assistantships are reviewed by the Psychology Department faculty and awarded for the academic year on a competitive basis. Applicants must be full-time MAP students, be in good academic standing, submit a completed Graduate Assistant-Stipend application, and have the qualifications needed to fill the position. All MAP students are invited to apply, including newly accepted entering graduate students and students in Marietta College’s BA/MA program. Students awarded a Graduate Assistantship during their first year in the MAP program can apply for a second assistantship. However, there is no guarantee they will receive a second assistantship.
Students awarded a Graduate Assistantship will be notified before the start of the fall semester and will need to go to the college’s human resource department (Irvine building) to complete all necessary paperwork before the fall semester begins. Stipend payments are normally paid to students two times during the semester.
Duties and Responsibilities
Graduate Assistant responsibilities and tasks are diverse but are primarily focused on helping faculty complete the educational and research mission of the Department of Psychology. Graduate Assistants must have flexible work schedules that complement the schedule of the psychology faculty. Graduate Assistants report directly to the MAP director and must submit a completed task and timesheet each week they work. Graduate Assistants are expected to perform all their duties in a professional, courteous, and responsible manner.
Office of Student Connections and Outreach Assistantship
Graduate students in the MAP Program may also choose to be considered for a graduate assistantship position in the Marietta College Office of Student Connections and Outreach. The graduate assistant chosen for this position will serve as a member of the Office of Student Connections and Outreach team at Marietta College and will be responsible for gathering data, creating informational materials, and developing and implementing programs, strategies, and policies that will support, enhance, and preserve a diverse and inclusive environment for all members of the Marietta College community. The focus of this graduate assistantship will be the needs of students from traditionally underrepresented populations, including, but not limited to, first-generation, low-income, and/or racial and ethnic minority groups.
- BA/MA Program
The Marietta College Master of Arts in Psychology (MAP) Program offers an academic curriculum in general psychology, as well as offering students the opportunity to pursue research in the areas of clinical, cognitive, social, physiological, or developmental psychology. The primary goal of the program is to provide students with a strong graduate-level foundation in general psychology. The program is designed to prepare students to pursue further education in psychology at the Ph.D. level or to seek employment at the master’s level in a related field.
The program is designed for successful completion over the course of two academic years. Additionally, a five-year combined Bachelor/Master of Arts degree program is offered. The program consists of thirty-six hours of courses composed of
- A 24-hour core of traditional academically oriented graduate courses in psychology
- Six hours of experiential electives related to a professional experience in psychology
- Six hours of empirical thesis research, including a successful thesis defense to a two-member committee
Interested in the 5-year BA/MA Program? Please discuss it with your faculty academic advisor, and contact Dr. Ryan May, Director of the MAP Program, with any questions at maye@marietta.edu.