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Assistant Professor
Molly Mills
Office #
Selby 135
Ph.D.-Environmental Science (Environmental Public Health), The Ohio State University (2022); BS-Biology, Mercyhurst University (2018)
Year Appointed
Courses - Fall
  • Cell Biology
  • Cell Biology Lab
  • Introduction to Biology Lab I
  • Water Pollution & Health
Courses - Spring
  • Microbiology
  • Microbiology Lab

Dr. Mills is interested in using molecular microbiology methods to study environmental, human, and animal-associated microbial communities (microbiomes). More broadly, her research explores the relationship between water contamination and Public Health, including topics such as Antibiotic Resistance, wastewater (sewage) treatment, fecal contamination, and other water quality issues related to climate change, such as flooding.


Mills, M., Davis, A., Lancaster, E., Choi, B., Martin, J., Winston, R., & Lee, J. (2024). Longitudinal Analysis of Urban Stormwater Microbiome and Resistome from Watersheds with and without Green Infrastructure using Long-Read Sequencing. Water Research, 259, 121873.
Mills, M., Mollenkopf, D., Wittum, T., Sullivan, M.P., & Lee, J. (2024). One Health Threat of Treated Wastewater Discharge in Urban Ohio Rivers: Implications for Surface Water and Fish Gut Microbiome and Resistome. Environmental Science and Technology, 58(30): 13402-13414.
Mills, M., Lee, S., Choi, B., Piperata, B., Garabed, R., & Lee, J. (2023). Household environment contamination and subject age impact the gut microbiome and resistome of infants and young children from rural Nicaragua. Microbiome, 11, 207.
Mills, M., Lee, S., Evans, M., Mollenkopf, D., Wittum, T., Sullivan, S.M.P., & Lee, J. (2022). Comparison of environmental microbiomes in an antibiotic resistance-polluted urban river highlights periphyton and fish gut communities as reservoirs of concern. Science of the Total Environment, 851(1): 158042.
Mills, M.C. & Lee, J. (2019). The threat of carbapenem-resistant bacteria in the environment: Evidence of widespread contamination of reservoirs at a global scale. Environmental Pollution, 255, 113143.