- Computer Organization & Architecture
- Computer Programming II
- Linux System Administration
- Computer Programming I
- Scientific Computing
- Operating Systems
- Game Development
Dr. Matt Williamson graduated from Marietta College in 2007 with a double major in Computer Science and Mathematics and a minor in Leadership Studies. As a student, Matt was involved in several campus organizations including SGA, where he served as the commuter representative, and various instrumental ensembles.
After receiving his Ph.D. from West Virginia University in 2013, Matt was an Assistant Professor at WVU Institute of Technology, where he taught a variety of courses including programming, data structures, operating systems, and compilers. He also served as the faculty advisor for the Association of Computing Machinery and E-Sports student organizations. In 2017, Matt returned to Marietta College to join the Math, Computing, and Information Systems department.
Matt’s research interests include algorithmic graph theory, shortest paths, and negative cycle detection. He has publications in several journals including the Journal of Discrete Algorithms and Algorithmica.