- Digital Journalism
- Media Law and Ethics
- Media Production I
In addition to teaching various mass media courses for undergraduate and graduate students, Morrow conducts international study tours, takes students to professional association conventions, and presents specialized workshops and her academic research at conferences, conventions, and educational institutions worldwide. Morrow, who achieved full professor status in 2018 and was named a McCoy Professor in 2023, also serves as faculty advisor for the Marietta College chapter of The National Electronic Media Association (NEMA/NBS-AERho) and performed duties as an elected national officer for the organization for a number of years.
In addition to her work at Marietta College, over her career, Morrow has served in a variety of on and off-air roles: Award-winning senior television news/documentary producer, talk show producer and announcer, free-lance writer and producer, supervisor of studio production for NFL radio broadcasts, and continuity and production director of major market radio and television stations in Ohio and West Virginia. Morrow's work has been recognized with awards such as an Associated Press Best Documentary Award, NBS-AERho Professional Electronic Media Awards, and academic journal publication.
Her classification as a Human Communication and Media/Technical Communications Specialist stems from her years of professional experience, her Master of Arts Degree in Corporate and Organizational Communication from West Virginia University, and her Bachelor of Science Degree in Telecommunications from Ohio University.
Research Interests
International media systems, ownership, regulation, and cultural policy; advances in television/radio technology and application in the industry; media legal/ethical frameworks; the impact of the Olympic Games on broadcast technology, staffing, processes/workflows, content, and perceptions of quality; the genres of and comparative analysis of global news coverage; the practice of media production
Recent Professional Publications, Presentations and Activities
“Personal Workplace Changes Resulting from Multimedia’s Evolution: An Empirical Study of Workflow and Workplace Role Adaptions in Media Production,” academic research paper, print journal publication and online journal publication, International Journal of Education and Social Science, Volume 4 No. 1, pages 36 – 45, January 2017.
“Personal Workplace Changes Resulting from Multimedia’s Evolution: An Empirical Study of Workflow and Workplace Role Adaptions in Media Production,” First Place Award, The National Broadcasting Society and Alpha Epsilon Rho Professional Production Competition exhibition session, Academic Paper Category, New York City/Meadowlands, NJ, March 2017.
“MomsEveryday,” freelance write, produce and host special, two-minute-long television interview segments, which play each weekday morning, Gray Television, Mid-Ohio Valley NBC affiliate WTAP-TV (and related Web content), fall 2010-2018.
Eight First Place Awards (one a year), MomsEveryday series (with Larry White and Jason Rittenhouse), NBS-AERho Professional Production Competition exhibition sessions, and national conventions in various cities, 2011-2019.
Visiting Professor, summer workshop/class, “Best Practices for Professional Success: Effective Communication Strategies and Tactics for Western Environments, The University of International Relations, Beijing, China, (in Beijing) July 2013, June 2014, June/July 2015, June/July 2016, June/July 2018, June/July 2019, (online) August 2021, (online) June 2022.
“Heroin Epidemic: A Town Hall Forum,” (with Larry White) freelance writer and producer, hour-long community issues forum/panel, live before an audience in Marietta’s Peoples Bank Theatre, live on Gray Television’s WIYE-CBS, streamed on thenewscenter.com and replayed on Gray Television’s WTAP-NBC, April 2016.
“Heroin Epidemic: A Town Hall Forum,” First Place Award, The National Broadcasting Society and Alpha Epsilon Rho Professional Production Competition exhibition session, Video Promotional/Educational Category, New York City/Meadowlands, NJ, March 2017.
Numerous freelance productions (writing, producing, hosting, whatever was needed - live hour-long programs to cut-in programs) focusing on medical issues/wellness, senior issues, financial matters, etc. Gray Television, Mid-Ohio Valley NBC affiliate WTAP-TV, 1998-2019.
“Korographics Printable Digital Wallcovering Media,” Korographics training video, voice-over update, and graphics updates/rebranding, May/June 2014.
“Best Practices for Broadcasters: Effective Communication Behaviors for Western Audiences (geared toward non-Western participants),” East-West Center, International Media Conferences, Hong Kong, China (2010), Seoul, South Korea (2012), Yangon, Myanmar (2014), Delhi, India (2016), Singapore (2018).
“What Makes The Chinese Media Market Different And Related Issues?” Media Studies Capstone Presentation, Oct. 2013.
“Find out the tools of the trade when it comes to making a name for your business and how to properly promote its assets using social media,” organize, write, produce, and moderate public relations, marketing, and social media panel, The National Broadcasting Society and Alpha Epsilon Rho National Convention, Philadelphia, Pa., March 2019.
International filmmaker panel (funded by WOUB and the Ohio Arts Council) organize, write, produce, and moderate panel, The Colony Film Fest Film Competition, The Colony Theater, March 2019.