- Introduction to Financial Accounting
- Intermediate Accounting I
- Accounting Research
- Business in Global Contexts
- Introduction to Financial Accounting
- Accounting Information Systems
- Business Ethics
- General Ledger Software Lab
Grace Johnson is a McCoy Professor and the lead instructor for the Accounting and major. As well as teaching financial accounting, she is responsible for courses in accounting information systems, accounting research, business ethics, and international business. Johnson has published four textbooks, and is an active presenter at accounting and international business conferences.
She has taught in Brazil, China, and South Korea, and done research in those countries as well as in Finland and Poland. Her current research projects include studies of business ethics pedagogy, internal control, financial reporting frameworks, and coronavirus disclosures reported in quarterly financial statements. Among Johnson’s recent publications are articles in the ISACA Journal, Journal of Accounting and Finance, and The Accounting Educator.