Physics/Planetarium Lab Technician

BA-Mathematics, Marietta College (2011); AA-Education Transfer-Young Adult, Washington State Community College (2006)
Year Appointed
Courses - Fall
- PIO 102: Student Engagement
Franci Bolden joined the Marietta College Physics Department as the Planetarium & Laboratory Technician in 2018. She’s also an alumna of Marietta College. During her time as a student, she studied Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry. Two of her favorite things about her role on campus are that she is able to engage with students to encourage their success, and that she gets to share the wonder of the night sky with the campus, and the surrounding communities, in the Anderson Hancock Planetarium. Franci’s prior work experience includes more than 10 years at Microbac Laboratory Inc. (Formerly Kemron Environmental Services) where she earned promotions up to Group Leader of the Volatile Organic Analytes Laboratory.