Chelsea (Smith) Yerex ’15 has experience working with a wide range of ages from 5 to 107. She has previously worked with the Marietta Municipal Court and Probation Department, Washington State Community College, and Glenwood Retirement Community. An avid Harry Potter and Disney enthusiast. In her free time, she loves watching movies and spending time with her husband, siblings, parents, and two golden retrievers. She loves penguins, owls, minions, and Buddy the Elf.
She loved her time as a Marietta College student and, while here, felt that anything was possible. While a student, Chelsea was active in her sorority, serving as a Panhellenic Delegate and Vice President of Judicial Affairs. In addition to being involved in many campus organizations, she had the honor of being part of Phi Beta Kappa, Order of Omega (Greek Leadership), Omicron Delta Kappa (Leadership), Alpha Lambda Delta (First-Year Student Honorary), Sigma Tau Delta (English), Lambda Pi Eta (Communication), McDonough Leadership, and the Curriculum Honors program.