Applicants must apply via the Centralized Application Service for Physician Assistants (CASPA) CASPA is a service that collates materials, computes grade point averages, and transmits standardized information to the applicant and the Physician Assistant Program(s) the applicant designates. CASPA takes no part in the evaluation, selection, or rejection of applicants. CASPA application processing and verification may take anywhere from 4-6 weeks; therefore, it is best to apply early to ensure deadlines are met.
- All applicants are required to complete Altus Suite as part of their application. To complete Altus Suite visit to create an account and register to complete the following assessments:
- Casper: 100-120 minute online, open-response situational judgment test (is required to apply).
- The early interview deadline is July 15
- January 15th is the CASPA program application submission deadline for the June matriculation date.
- It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure their application is processed and verified by CASPA in time to meet the Program deadline. The application status check, provided to applicants as part of the CASPA service, should be monitored throughout the application process. CASPA will not verify incomplete applications. Please see the CASPA Admissions Code of Cooperation for more information.
Requirements for CASPA application:
- All official transcripts from each college or university attended must be mailed directly to CASPA, P.O. Box 9108, Watertown, MA 02471
- Three (3) letters of recommendation from persons familiar with the PA profession. At least one letter should be from a health care professional (preferably a physician assistant or physician) who has known the applicant for at least six (6) months.
- Official Graduate Record Examination (GRE) general test (verbal and quantitative) must be submitted under school code 0937. Analytical writing is not required but highly recommended. The MCAT may be used as a substitute for the GRE test. PACAT is not required but will be considered.
- A personal statement and supplemental questions will be scored to help the admissions committee get to know the applicant, assess overall awareness of healthcare, determine future plans and interests, and ultimately how those components align with the mission and goals of the program and profession.
- Healthcare hours are not required, though they are strongly recommended, and points are awarded during the application review. Health care hours may include but are not limited to direct patient care experience, health-related experience, or health care shadowing to ensure the applicants have a good idea of the PA profession and expectations.
- Demonstrate work ethic, leadership, and extracurricular components by detailing exposure to and/or work within a health care system (paid or unpaid) as well as other outside employment, research, and/or volunteer or community outreach enrichment, Veteran status, or Master’s degree you have obtained.
- Applicants from Marietta College receive preference in the admission process for our Physician Assistant (PA) program.
Advanced Placement
Advanced Placement (AP) courses (limit two (2) courses) will be accepted for pre-requisite requirements, but will not be calculated into the pre-requisite GPA.
Program correspondence with applicants is primarily via e-mail. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure the Program has the correct e-mail address and to follow up on correspondence should delays occur.