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Payment Agreement and College’s Initial Disclosure

Students are required to sign and return the Marietta College Payment Agreement & Initial Disclosure Form to the Student Accounts Office.

Before the start of the school year, the semester billing will be completed. Fall is billed on July 1, and Spring will be done on December 1. Students will receive an email notification when their bill is ready to view. Each student will be automatically enrolled in a payment plan per semester with an enrollment fee of $75. All balances from a previous term must be paid in full before the start of the next semester or before arrival on campus. Any miscellaneous charges incurred by the student are billed every month and due at the end of the month.

Student Proxy Guide

Students can give their parents or designated individuals access to certain information through Self-Service. If a student wishes to grant someone this access, they will need to follow these instructions. Once the proxy is added, they will access only the information the student has granted permission. If a parent or another individual calls with billing questions, requests a balance due, or general billing information, we cannot and will not release that information unless they are a proxy or we have a FERPA form on file with the records office.

Authorization to Release Financial Information

To comply with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a student who wishes to permit a parent, spouse, or other third party access to his/her financial records must complete an Authorization to Release Financial Information (PDF) and submit it to the Student Accounts Office.

With the signed authorization on file, the Records Office will be permitted to disclose financial account information to the designated individual(s).

Accepted Forms of Payment on Student Accounts

The Cashier’s Office accepts cash and check payments on student accounts. Mastercard, Visa, Discover, and electronic check payments can be made online via the student system. Please note that electronic checks can only be accepted from U.S. bank accounts. Please contact the Student Accounts Office for Wire Transfer information.

Checks should be mailed to this address:
Marietta College
Attn: Student Accounts
215 Fifth Street
Marietta, OH  45750

Effective July 1, 2024, a non-refundable convenience fee will be assessed when paying your bill using a credit or debit card as follows:

  • A 2.95 percent convenience fee (minimum $3) will be assessed on all domestic issued Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express credit card transactions.
  • A 4.25 percent convenience fee (minimum $3) will be assessed on all international issued Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express credit card transactions.

Convenience Fee FAQs

Undergraduate Payment Options

Pioneer Payment Plan

This plan allows a student who has an out-of-pocket balance for the semester to pay the amount owed in four payments during the semester. The Pioneer Payment Plan has a $75 enrollment fee. Each incoming freshman or transfer student with an out-of-pocket balance is automatically enrolled. Enrollment in subsequent semesters will be automatic for each student who has satisfied all financial obligations to the College through timely payments. Students who pay the bill in full on or before the due date will not be charged the enrollment fee. The due date for the fall semester is August 1st, and January 2nd for the spring semester.

Pioneer Payment Plan: $75 ENROLLMENT FEE
  • Miscellaneous charges incurred after enrollment in the payment plan will result in recalculating the monthly payment amount.
  • All required payments must be made in a timely manner to remain in the payment plan.
  • Termination of the plan will require the student to pay the full outstanding balance to avoid being administratively withdrawn from the college.
  • Payments not made according to the due dates may affect participation in the payment plan for future semesters.
  • A $60 late fee applies for all payments after the due date.
  • $45 Fee for Returned/Rejected Payments
  • Fall Due Dates: August 1, September 1, October 1, and November 1
  • Spring Due Dates: January 2, February 1, March 1, and April 1 (subject to change)
  • All previous term balances must be paid in full before entering into a new payment plan.