Marietta College Honor Band and Choir Weekend
2023 Dates TBA
Marietta College
Your high school students are invited to participate in the Marietta College Honor Band and Choir to take place in beautiful Marietta, Ohio. The ensembles will be made up of some of the best high school performers in Ohio and surrounding areas. We invite you to nominate student musicians to be part of this amazing opportunity. Selection will be made purely on the director’s nomination. We ask that the students selected demonstrate good intonation, tonal recall, learning aptitude, sight-reading ability, and overall dedication to musicianship. Students should be those that you foresee being on task and focused even if not fully supervised. The cost per student is $100. This will cover their hotel stay, meals, t-shirts, music, clinicians, etc. If you have students with financial difficulties that want to participate and your department budget is not able to cover them, please reach out to us about possible scholarship opportunities.
Honor Ensemble Information for Spring Semester 2024 will be available Fall of 2023.