All Scholars Day 2025
April 24, 2025
All Scholars Day is a campus-wide celebration of scholarship at Marietta College. All students, faculty, and staff are expected to participate in ASD - it is such an important day that no class meetings are held on ASD! ASD provides students an opportunity to share their research, creative projects, and senior capstone projects with the Marietta College Community. Students give talks, poster presentations, demonstrations, and performances for audiences that span across disciplines, demonstrating the importance of the liberal arts at Marietta College.
Please read through the information before scrolling down to the online submission form. Please contact Dr. Suzanne Parsons ( with any questions.
General Information
- Deadline: abstracts must be received no later than Friday, March 21, 2025.
- Abstract submissions must be submitted online through this web page for All Scholars Day.
- All presentation titles and talks will be listed in a program, which will be available on All Scholars Day.
Poster Instructions for Accepted Abstracts
- Poster dimensions are 36 inches high x 48 inches wide. Prepare your poster accordingly. Please do not bring free standing poster boards or trifold boards.
- Posters must be presented by the primary author (or group of authors).
- Posters must be set up at the beginning of the day. The presenter is responsible for assembling the poster board and removing the poster at the end of the session.
Poster Presentation Session
- There will be one poster presentation session. Students are expected to stand with their poster for the duration of the session.
- All Investigative Studies Travel Grant recipients are required to attend and present their poster presentation.
Oral Presentation Instructions for Accepted Abstracts
- Oral presentations should be 10-12 minutes long, with 3-5 minutes for questions, unless otherwise noted (Some capstone sessions will have different time requirements; please confirm with your advisor what the expectations are as you prepare your talk).
- All presentations should be submitted to the session chairperson 15 minutes in advance of the oral session. Please have your presentation windows-ready in a .ppt file format, stored on a jump drive. Please name your file with your last name_first name.
Oral Presentation Sessions
- There will be multiple oral presentation sessions, scheduled in the morning and afternoon.
- All sessions will be moderated by a faculty member.
- Audience members are welcome to switch sessions, but are encouraged NOT to switch DURING a presentation.
- Presenters are asked to remain at their session for the duration of the session.
Content of the Abstract (Please see the Abstract Submission form below)
- Title of project and author(s), using last name, first initial. List the primary author as first author, but be sure to include all contributors.
- Abstract body is limited to 75 words.
- Body of abstract: purpose of the study, methods used, summary of the results and conclusion reached (tentative conclusions or expected outcomes are fine!)
- References and credits SHOULD NOT be included in the abstract.
- Use standard abbreviations in parentheses after the full word the first time it appears.
- Indicate whether you prefer to give a talk or present a poster (Please note that for some capstone projects and honors theses, talks are required).
- Abstracts will be evaluated as submitted. Proofread and edit your submission accordingly.
- Please indicate the subject category your abstract most closely represents in the dropdown menu in the online submission form.