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(Revision adopted at Annual Meeting, 5/23/2024)



The name of this organization shall be the Marietta College Institute for Learning in Retirement (ILR).
It is an outreach activity of Marietta College.


The purpose of ILR shall be:

  1. to foster the interests of its members in continuing education,
  2. to provide and promote quality programs for its members,
  3. to encourage member participation in study and discussion.


  1. Members are those who have taken or taught at least one ILR course in the last three years or have served on the ILR Board of Directors.
  2. Membership is open to those who are interested in helping to reach the purpose stated above.
  3. Members can participate in the organization by attending classes, programs, and meetings sponsored by ILR and by being part of its governance.
  4. All members are eligible to present and to vote on matters before the organization at the Annual Meeting or at any other business meeting.


  1. The Executive Board consists of the Director, Program Chair, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer.
  2. The members of the Executive Board shall be elected at the Annual Meeting and shall serve a two-year term, being eligible for a normal limit of two terms. After a two-year interim, they may be elected again.
  3. The Institute shall be governed by a Board of Directors consisting of the Executive Board plus the following persons appointed by the Executive Board: Public Information Officer, Annual Meeting Organizer and Webmaster.


  1. Shall meet at least three times a year to approve the courses to be taught in each ILR session, consider courses for future sessions, and address pertinent issues raised by officers or other members.
  2. Shall nominate candidates for the offices specified in IV.1 and present this list of nominees to members at the Annual Meeting.
  3. Shall fill any vacancies by appointment.
  4. Shall approve the Treasurer's annual operating budget.
  5. Shall appoint ad hoc committees as needed.
  6. Shall name a recipient of the ILR Recognition Award when appropriate.
  7. Shall hold special meetings to address ad hoc issues.
  8. Shall appoint a Public Information Officer,  Annual Meeting Organizer and Webmaster.


  1. The Director:
    1. Shall call to order and preside at all meetings of the Executive Board, plus the Annual and special meetings.
    2. Shall be a liaison to Marietta College.
    3. Shall appoint an alternate to preside if s/he is unable to do so.
    4. Shall prepare an annual report, including a review of the year, a preview of upcoming classes, policies adopted, and plans for the future.
    5. Shall supervise the work of the Marietta College Administrative Assistant working with ILR, including reserving classrooms for all ILR classes and maintaining up-to-date records of all ILR members.
  2. The Program Chair:
    1. Shall gather a Program Advisory Group to help identify ILR classes and instructors and, in consultation with the Executive Board, create a schedule of courses for the fall, winter, and spring sessions.
    2. Shall prepare, in conjunction with instructors, a set of courses for each session.
    3. Shall communicate to the Director, Administrative Assistant, MC Publications Coordinator, Public Information Officer and Webmaster information about courses and instructors.
    4. Shall suggest to the Executive Board ideas for special programs.
    5. Shall work with the Marietta College print shop and mail room to get the course brochure prepared and sent in a timely manner to all members, by mail, email and on the ILR website.
  3. The Recording Secretary:
    1. Shall keep a record of the meetings of the Board of Directors and Executive Board and of the Annual and special meetings.
  4. The Treasurer:
    1. Shall work with a representative of the Marietta College business office to keep a record of and administer the Institute's finances, receipts, and expenditures.
    2. Shall present a statement of accounts at every Annual Meeting and at other times when requested by the Board of Directors.
    3. Shall prepare with the aid of the Executive Board an operating budget for the fiscal year that begins on May1 and ends April 30 of the following year.


  1. The Public Information Officer shall be responsible for providing publicity about ILR classes and events to area media and to the ILR Web Master.
  2. The Annual Meeting Organizer shall schedule and arrange catering for the Annual Meeting.
  3. The Web Master:
    1. Shall maintain an up-to-date ILR  page on the MC website.
    2. Manage a Facebook page that includes information about current classes and instructors, pictures and other items of interest to the membership and the public.
    3. Shall assist instructors in using classroom AV equipment and technology such as the Google Drive as needed.


  1. The Annual Meeting of the ILR will be held in the month of May. The major purpose of this meeting is to review the past year and plan for the year ahead. Officers are elected at this meeting.
  2. Other meetings of the membership may be called by the Executive Board.
  3. The Executive Board shall meet at least three times annually.


This organization is a non-profit organization operated solely for the purposes set forth herein. No member of this organization shall be liable for the debts, liabilities, or other financial obligations of the Institute while exercising his/her function as an officer of this organization.


The By-laws of this organization may be altered, amended, changed, or replaced by a new set of By-laws by a two-thirds vote of the members present at the Annual or special meeting called for such a purpose. A special meeting may be called by the Executive Board, or by five members upon written notice to all members at least thirty days prior to the meeting.


Upon the dissolution of the Marietta College Institute for Learning in Retirement, after paying or making provisions for payment all liabilities of the Institute, the officers shall dispose of all assets by contributing them to the sponsoring institution.