Who is Floodstage? (audition info below)
- Floodstage is a contemporary a cappella vocal ensemble that focuses on modern a cappella music and barbershop harmony.
- This ensemble typically has only 6-12 singers.
- Being a member of Floodstage is a two-semester commitment (fall and spring). The only exceptions are those who graduate in December and those who are student teaching in the spring.
- Singers from all majors are eligible and encouraged to audition.
- Floodstage is an ensemble made up of self-motivated singers. We work hard to learn our music on our own in order to use actual class time for higher-level music making.
- This ensemble meets from 3:00 to 3:50 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Each week, students run one of these rehearsal periods without the instructor.
- Singers in Floodstage are also required to be in another choral ensemble (Concert Choir or Treble Choir).
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Audition Procedure (Fall 2023)
To audition for Floodstage, you must complete the following tasks in the exact order outlined below.
Note: All singers, even past members, must audition.
Step 1 - Sign up for an audition time
Audition Dates: Floodstage auditions are the first two days of classes — Thursday, August 24th and Friday, August 25th.
Note: If you are auditioning for Floodstage and Concert Choir, you must sign up for two back-to-back audition times.
Step 2 - Prepare audition music
After registering for an audition time above, download the audition music by clicking below. Select a harmony voice part and be prepared to sing the lead/melody line. To be clear: you're preparing BOTH the lead/melody line and a harmony part of your choosing. YOU ONLY NEED TO PREPARE PAGES 1 AND 2.
Note: Auditioning on a selected voice part does not mean you will be cast on that voice part. If accepted into the ensemble, you will be placed where we need you, and your part may change based on what song we are singing.
Step 3 - Fill out an audition form
Fill out the audition information form by clicking the link below. You must do so before your audition time. If you are also auditioning for Concert Choir, you only need to fill out this form once.
Step 4 - Audition
Show up to your audition time at Hermann 213.
Auditions will run as follows:
- Range test (to determine voice part)
- Sing your chosen part a cappella (to test your preparation)
- Sing your part again while Dr. Dougherty sings another (to test your ability to hold your part and harmonize)
- You will be taught a short tag and asked to sing it back while Prof. Merewyn Weinkauf sings another part (to test quickness in learning parts)
- The Floodstage vocal percussionist must be a singer as well. If you're interested in a vocal percussion role, please come ready with the singing audition and be prepared to demonstrate your vocal percussion abilities.
Step 5 - Check your email
Wait for an email announcement with the audition results. This email will be sent out by Sunday night, August 27th.
Step 6 - Register (if applicable)
If you are cast in the ensemble, register for Music 364. All singers must register for the class.
- If you need to change your audition time and are unable to do so manually, sign up for another time slot and then email Dr. Dougherty to tell him which one to remove.
- Any questions should be directed to Merewyn Weinkauf, Chair of the Music Department: mb001@marietta.edu.
- Floodstage is a dual-enrollment ensemble. If you are accepted into Floodstage, you will also need to register for a choral ensemble (either Concert Choir or Treble Choir).