Powell, Ohio
Leadership Studies
Location of Study Abroad
Prague, Czech Republic

Why did you choose this location/program?
I love all the history and architecture that Europe has to offer so I knew I wanted to go to Europe as well as someplace off the beaten path of the normal tourism journey.
What did you learn about yourself during your time abroad?
I learned more about my strength and bravery to try new things and my aspirations to travel and learn as much as I can.
What was your housing situation?
I lived in a dorm that was provided by Charles University.
What is your best memory from this experience?
I absolutely loved walking around and seeing different sights as well as trying the different foods and coffee that Prague had to offer.
What was the greatest challenge during this experience?
It was really hard to adapt to Czech culture, which is almost directly opposite of American culture.
What do you know now that you didn't know before about Prague?
I learned more about how World War II affected the Czech Republic as well as how deep-rooted the effects of communism have lasted in the Czech Republic.

It is so beneficial to see how other people live and discover your own personal strength as bravery!

What did you learn about Prague that you think people would be surprised to learn?
Once tourism was opened back up in Prague, the Czech government realized that in order to create a spike in their economy the government named a random dessert a traditional Czech dessert even though it has no relation to Czech traditions just to help their economy.
Would you encourage others to study abroad why?
ABSOLUTELY!!! I would recommend it to anyone and everyone! It is so beneficial to see how other people live and discover your own personal strength as bravery! You never know what you’re truly capable of until you are on your own working for yourself!