Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
Sport Management
Coaching and Communication Studies
Leadership Studies
Location of Study Abroad
London, United Kingdom
Why did you choose this location/program?
I had always wanted to go abroad sometime during my college career, but I was not sure for how long or exactly what program. It just so happened that I still needed to complete one more internship for my Sport Management major and it was during the summer so I knew I would not be missing my senior soccer season if I went during the fall semester or my final spring semester at MC. I also knew that London was a huge hub for sports, specifically soccer, so I knew that it would be an amazing opportunity for me to grow professionally.
What did you learn about yourself during your time abroad?
During my time abroad, I learned numerous things about myself. The first being that I can do so much more than I ever believed I could, especially since I got on a plane and flew thousands of miles not knowing a single person I would be living with or working with for the next two months. The next thing I learned was that I absolutely love to travel and even weekend trips are amazing. Being just an hour flight away from SO many different places was truly something special because it allowed me to see so much more of the world, which has led me to want to see even more. The last thing that I learned about myself during my time abroad is that routines are very important to me. During my first two weeks there when I did not have much of a routine, I was lost but once I got my routine down and got everything figured out it felt so much better.
What was your housing situation?
I lived in a student accommodation about 45 minutes (via a London Tube ride) north of central London. This student accommodation wasn’t just for people in my program though and it had people who lived there year-round and were going to university in London. I had three other flat mates in which we each had our own room and bathroom and then had a shared kitchen.
What is your best memory from this experience?
I think my best memory from the whole experience is probably the first two weekends that I was in the city. Everything was so new and so exciting, and I remember just being thrilled over seeing literally everything. From taking/navigating the Tube with my friends for the first few times to seeing Big Ben, Tower Bridge, and the London Eye. Being able to experience all these new and exciting things with my friends for the first time will be something that I will never forget. I truly felt like a little kid again with the whole world at my fingertips. Being able to be in such a vibrant city like that for the first time ever was such a remarkable experience and I will always remember how genuinely happy I was in those moments.

Being able to experience all these new and exciting things with my friends for the first time will be something that I will never forget. I truly felt like a little kid again with the whole world at my fingertips.

What was the greatest challenge during this experience?
The greatest challenge was adjusting to everything those first two weeks. I knew culture shock was real and that it would hit in waves, and I knew of the different ways to handle it but not starting my internship when everyone else did was another challenge because it gave me extra time to think about everything. I had to really push myself and explore on my own for that week where everyone was working, and I was not so that I could keep my mind was distracted.
What do you know now that you didn't know before about London?
I know now that I am a lot more independent and self-reliant that I thought I was. I went a couple of days without speaking to my family while I was over there because of how busy I was, my weekend trips, and the time difference. I also know now that I love seeing different things and experiencing new things as much as I can even here at school. I was doing it before I went to London, but I did not necessarily pay attention or realize it before. The last thing I didn’t know is how popular it is to be outside and use the parks and areas outside for picnics and to play games with friends. I have also implanted this into my life back here in the U.S., and it has helped me out not only physically but mentally, too.
What did you learn about London that you think people would be surprised to learn?
I learned that it is a very diverse city in all sorts of ways. From the various food options on every street to all the different religious centers to meet everyone’s needs to all the people you see every day. I loved trying so many new foods and interacting with so many diverse people daily.
Why would you encourage others to study abroad in London?
I would 100% encourage others to study abroad in London. There are many different Universities for those who want to do the normal study abroad opportunity and there are literally thousands upon thousands of opportunities for those who want to intern abroad. Going to London gave me a chance to showcase that I can work internationally, and I was able to make connections on a global scale as well. Not only was I able to be placed in an internship that gave me full range and support on my projects, but I was also in a great city that made it an amazing two months.