Guilford, Connecticut
Petroleum Engineering
Location of Study Abroad
Aberdeen, Scotland

Why did you choose this location/program?
I chose to go to Aberdeen to get the best experience in my industry outside of the United States. Offshore production from the North Sea has defined the city and has provided ample opportunity to meet professionals in the city and learn about the UK’s approach to the petroleum industry and the energy transition.
What did you learn about yourself during your time abroad?
I learned so much about myself while living abroad, but the most important thing that I learned is how much I can handle. When moving to a new country, everything is different, and adjusting to a new home, community, culture, school, academic system, and environment all at the same time feels overwhelming at times. Nonetheless, I learned that I could accomplish this and will be much more prepared if I ever get another opportunity to live abroad.
What was your housing situation?
I lived in a flat with five bedrooms, a kitchen, two toilets, and a shower. I had my room, my friend from Marietta had another, and there was another girl and another boy who shared our flat with us. This flat was in one of many apartment complexes in the student village which was just off of the main campus.
What is your best memory from this experience?
My best memory in Scotland was getting to take a road trip around the country. My parents took the opportunity to visit me for a week and drove my friend and me around to different attractions. We got to see the steam train that was filmed as the Hogwarts Express in the Harry Potter movies, the Isle of Skye, some historic battlefields, and many more natural attractions.

What was the greatest challenge during this experience?
The greatest challenge that I faced abroad was loneliness. Even with a friend from back home, it was difficult to make friends in a new place. There were many times when I felt scared being alone and an ocean away from everyone back home, but once I conquered this fear I became much more confident in myself and my capabilities, and I truly began to enjoy my time abroad despite being by myself.
What do you know now that you didn't know before about Scotland?
One thing I learned about Aberdeen is that the campus is very large and there are many people from all over the world studying at the University. Sometimes it felt overwhelming, but it was also nice to know that so many other people were doing the same thing as I was.
What did you learn about Scotland that you think people would be surprised to learn?
One surprising thing about Aberdeen is that there are many secret and interesting places off the beaten path. There are parks, gardens, walkways, and alleys that take you to beautiful sceneries all within the city.
Why would you encourage others to study abroad in Scotland?
I would strongly encourage other students to study abroad. It is easy to focus on the struggles of moving away from home and to even be scared of it. However, I look back on my semester abroad as a learning experience and never a regret. Even though my experience was incredibly difficult, being able to tell my stories from Scotland and share experiences with the few people that I had met has made me much stronger and more grateful.