The purpose of the Marietta College Alumni Association Council shall be to work through and with the Office of Advancement to promote the continued well-being and excellence of Marietta College and its alumni; build upon the common bond of enthusiasm, loyalty and service of alumni and friends of Marietta College to establish a community of support for the academic, campus life, fundraising, and enrollment efforts of the College; add value to the College through service; perpetuate the intellectual, cultural and financial growth of the College; and offer alumni the opportunity for continued engagement, camaraderie, and development.

Marietta College Alumni Association Council (MCAA-C), 2023-2024
Officers: Maureen Morgan '93, Chair; Brittany Metcalf '13, Vice Chair; Lynette Baker '87, Secretary
Members: Bret Allphin '01, Don Buckwell '84, Melissa Yusko Clawson '05, Kennedy Clyde '16, Jessica Villa-Cruz '08, DeAnna DeForest '08, John Foster '74, Renee Bailey Gallagher '84, Honnie Gordon '84, Mickey Hart '08, Michael Joliat '06, Mark Lane '04, Nancey Kaplan McCann '76, Beth Morgan-Mattiassi '92, Kathryn Patton '10, Laura Stange Regan '94, Christian Sanders '14, Douglas Spencer '87
Marietta College Alumni Association Council Newsletter
The Marietta College Alumni Association Council produces a quarterly newsletter with information about committee activities, upcoming events and engagement opportunities, and important updates from the leadership group. Newsletters are distributed electronically by the Office of Alumni Engagement and the most recent issues are posted below for your convenience.
Learn More about the Marietta College Alumni Association
- When was the Marietta College Alumni Association founded and what was its early history?
On July 28, 1841, a small group of alumni gathered in the Marietta College campus chapel and formed a three-person committee to draft a constitution for an organization of graduates. Erastus Adkins presided over this no-nonsense session, and Samuel Hall was chosen to act as secretary. And, oh yes, they demanded that a constitution be presented in less than twenty-four hours!
Typical Marietta College graduates, they met the deadline, and on July 29, 1841, the alumni association was officially formed.
By the way, the ledger containing the minutes from that first meeting is preserved in the Special Collections area of the Legacy Library and makes very interesting reading. Its leather binding is worn, but still holds the documents together much the same way that Adkins and Hall held their fellow graduates to a common purpose. "to confirm and perpetuate the bond of union to which we recur with so many grateful recollections as having subsisted among us during our college courses and to transmit an organization having such objects in view to the succeeding alumni of our Alma Mater."
- What is the story of the early days of the Association?
Up until 1860, the largest graduating class numbered sixteen students, and the total number of graduates was 222. Most students were from Ohio with a number from Virginia and some from as far away as Massachusetts and Mississippi. From 1860 to 1885, the number of graduates totaled 333, and the annual meetings of the Association took place during Commencement. They were remarkably well attended with sometimes as many as 75-100 graduates making the journey back to their alma mater.
Marietta College's earliest alumni chapter or club was formed in Cincinnati in 1854 and was among the first of its kind in the United States. From that gathering, it was resolved, "That we deem a social reunion of the alumni and former students of Marietta College pleasant and conducive to good feeling."
Similar chapters were formed in New York and Boston in 1902 and Columbus in 1904. Their annual gatherings were attended by officials of the College. The seventy-fifth anniversary of the College drew a large number of graduates back to Marietta for the celebration in June 1910.
Fort Worth-Dallas followed in 1930, and upon the 100th anniversary of the Cincinnati chapter in December of 1954 more than 100 alumni, faculty and staff gathered in the Queen City to observe the milestone.
- What other key dates are there in the history of the Association?
In 1945, a system providing for a member of the Alumni Association to represent the interests of the constituency on the institution's Board of Trustees. Each year, a slate of nominees was put forward for a vote of all alumni with a total of five Alumni Trustees serving on the Board at any given time. Today, the better serve our alumni, the Chair of the Alumni Association Board now serves on the Board of Trustees.
In 1977, the Alumni Association introduced its program of recognition for outstanding service, contributions, and achievement that now includes the highest award bestowed by the Association to its members, induction into the Hall of Honor.
- What does today's Alumni Association look like?
Counting more than 25,000 graduates among the ranks of living alumni, the Association works to promote the continued well-being and excellence of Marietta and its alumni. Membership is open to any graduate of the College, any person who has attended and completed one or more semesters or any person who has received an honorary degree from Marietta College or been named an Honorary Alumnus/a by the MCAA.
The interests of the MCAA are advanced by an Alumni Council numbering between fifteen and twenty-one members. The Council meets in person twice per year in an advisory capacity and offers significant input into such areas as admissions assistance, event planning, fundraising, communications and outreach, student engagement and award recognition. If you'd like to nominate an alumnus/alumnae to serve on the Board, please contact the Office of Alumni Engagement.
- How can I remain involved with Marietta College even after graduation?
There are several ways for you to keep connected. The first and most immediate opportunity is to keep up to date on the Alumni Association website. News, a calendar of events, an online community and important information on alumni services and programs are available to maintain that relationship with your alma mater!
- Can I volunteer?
You certainly can! Learn more
- What is The Marietta Fund and how do I participate?
Many alumni choose to explore opportunities to support the College through their financial gifts in addition to their volunteer work. The Marietta Fund is the easiest way for alumni and friends to make their contributions to assure those new members of The Long Blue Line benefit from an outstanding learning environment. Scholarships, financial aid, classroom equipment, laboratory supplies, academic programs, and student activities all depend upon alumni and friends support for growth and development. Each year, we ask you to consider a gift to The Marietta Fund to make a difference in the lives of current and future students. All contributions, no matter the size, combine in this Fund to make a tremendous impact on campus.
- What is the most important way to remain connected to MC?
Updating your contact information is vital. If you don't furnish us with your correct street address, e-mail address, and phone number, we can't include you in all sorts of exciting mailings, such as information for Homecoming. It also allows us to share your news and adventures with your classmates and fellow graduates. Please call us at 740.376.4709 or, better yet, e-mail us at!
- What is The Long Blue Line?
For some, it's the alternate name for the Alumni Association, but it's much more. It's the idea that from the very first graduates who came together at the chapel in Marietta that sultry July day in 1841, there has been an unbroken continuation of support, interest, and involvement from Marietta College graduates. It endures to this day and serves as a truly unique legacy of commitment and dedication ready to be carried on by future generations of MC alumni.