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College Academic Support and Student Resources (A1.04 and A3.10)

It is important that all students achieve their potential and to this end, the College provides the following support services to all Marietta College students. Students are encouraged to consult the current MC Graduate Catalog for more complete information concerning student services (Marietta College Catalogs - Marietta College Catalogs ). The following information is supplied to cover areas that may be of specific interest to PA students.  

Throughout PA training should any faculty member have concerns with the student’s overall well-being they may encourage and document the need for referral to various student services on campus to address personal issues which may impact their progress in the PA program. (A3.10)

Legacy Library

  • Website

  • Phone: Reference Desk: 740-376-4543, Circulation Desk: 740-376-4757

  • Hours: Posted on website

The Legacy Library at Marietta College offers a number of services for physician assistant students. Located centrally on campus, the library provides convenient access to both its physical and virtual spaces. Through the library, users are able to find key medical resources, study spaces, borrowing services, and reference assistance.  

The library has many core medical resources in electronic format that can be accessed either in-house or remotely using your name and barcode number.  Some of the databases include PubMed, MEDLINE, CINAHL, Health Source, and the Cochrane Library. These databases track down journal articles, systematic reviews, clinical trials, books, and research reports. Much of the content is available in full-text for users to view, print, or download from their desktops.  

In the building itself, a large number of study spaces can be used by students. On the main floor are nine study alcoves that allow for individualized study. Seven larger study rooms on the second floor can effectively accommodate group work. Providing even more options are lounges, flat tables, carrels, and classrooms that are scattered around the library. Wherever one chooses to study, all areas of the building have free Wi-Fi access for personal devices.  

Physician assistant students are granted extensive borrowing privileges. The student ID card serves as the library card that initiates most borrowing transactions. Relevant material can be identified using the library’s catalog including books, audiovisual materials, and e-books. Marietta College is also a member of the statewide Ohio LINK network of over 100 academic libraries that provides a patron-initiated borrowing feature to request items directly from Ohio LINK libraries. Students that are not finding what they need either in Legacy or Ohio LINK, can make requests using the library’s free Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service that further extends borrowing to national and international collections. The request form can be found on the library’s website.

Reference assistance is available at a reference desk located on the main floor of the library. Staff can field a wide array of inquiries that would include general research, database searching, bibliographic verification, computer troubleshooting, remote access, and printing issues. Questions can also be asked by e-mail ( ) or by using the Microsoft Teams chat service. Students have the added option of setting-up individual and group appointments with reference librarians that can take place in person, by chat, or virtually.  

Both the physician assistant faculty and Legacy Library have a vested interest in the final success of students. The library encourages everyone to browse the website and visit the library building at their earliest convenience. The staff at Legacy sincerely hopes to meet and assist as many students as possible throughout their enrollment in the program.

Academic Resource Center (ARC)

  • Website

  • Location: Andrews Hall - Third floor

  • Phone: 740-376-4837 or 740-376-4700  

  • Email:

  • Hours: Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm  

The primary mission of the Academic Resource Center (ARC) is to provide resources and services to assist all Marietta College students in the acquisition of information and development of skills to achieve their academic potential. In addition to the individualized services for students, ARC resources are available to all members of the campus community. The ARC also coordinates campus services for students with disabilities. (See Services for Students with Disabilities section below).  

Services offered by the ARC include, but are not limited to:  

  • Individualized academic support learning style and study strategy assessment  
  • Study strategy development  
  • Academic success plan development  
  • Time management development  
  • Early alert and intervention system for students having academic difficulty  
  • Workshops on various academic development topics  
  • Free individual, small group, and drop-in peer tutoring provided for most classes  
  • Services for students with disabilities including classroom accommodations and ongoing support  
  • Access to computers, printers, scanners, and assistive technology, including the Kurzweil 3000 Scan/Read System, the Dragon Naturally Speaking Voice Dictation Software, Math Talk, and Scientific Notebook  
  • Quiet study area  
  • Academic and personal development workshops  
  • Resource library of materials and tutorials on general study strategies, time management, learning disabilities and more  
  • Referrals to other campus resources and outside agencies as needed

Accessibility Services for Students

Marietta College complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, as amended, regarding non-discrimination against persons with disabilities/accessibilities. The College seeks to offer support to all students and strives to make reasonable accommodations for individuals with documented accessibilities. All campus services for students with accessibilities are coordinated through the Accessibility Services Office, located in Thomas Hall.

Responsibility for coordination of compliance efforts and receipt of inquiries concerning Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (the latter related to student concerns only) has been delegated to:

Lindsay Morgan, Director of Accessibility Services

Center For Entrepreneurship and Career Development

The Center for Entrepreneurship and Career Development at Marietta College is staffed by professionals who prepare students for successful futures by providing career advising; access to experiential education; state-of-the-art job search and graduate school resources and programs; and the necessary tools to transition from Marietta College to the “world of work”.  Students are encouraged to visit the Center for individual advising, and they can take advantage of the variety of career workshops and events offered throughout the year. MC Alumni get lifelong access to the Career Center, which includes unlimited, free, in-person or virtual appointments, advice, and support, for their entire career.

Marietta College Police Department (A1.02g)

  • Website

  • Location: 7th and Butler Streets; next to The Gathering Place

  • Phone: 740-376-3333 or directly from on-campus phone by dialing 3333

The Marietta College Police Department is a 24/7 full-service police agency responsible for the safety and security of the Marietta College campus community and all investigations on campus, enforcement of criminal laws, college policy and the issuance of timely warnings to the campus community. The Police Officers are fully certified under Ohio Revised Code section 1713.50 and have all the powers of any police officer in the State of Ohio. Many college police officers are certified Emergency Medical Responders and can provide students or staff members with stabilizing emergency care while they await the arrival of an ambulance. The department also works closely with other local, state and federal law enforcement agencies. The department is comprised of full-time and part-time Police Officers. The MCPD issues parking permits for on-campus parking and is responsible for the enforcement of parking regulations. MCPD will also assist motorists with vehicle unlocks, jump-starts or changing a tire. Marietta College Police Officers also provide evening campus escorts to or from academic buildings, vehicles, or resident halls (a 15-minute advance notification call is appreciated if using this service).

Policies and Procedures related to the safety at Marietta College can be found under the Student Conduct section of the handbook in the College's catalog. This section includes Jurisdiction, Standards of Conduct and Student Conduct Process and Sanctioning, as well as the Harassment Policy and Procedures.

Office of Student Financial Services

  • Website

  • Location: Main floor Irvine building  

  • Phone: 1-800-331-2709  

The majority of PA students rely on federal loans to pay for their education.  A loan is a form of financial aid that must be repaid, with interest. Students are encouraged to visit Federal Student Aid and the following websites to learn more about the different types of loans available through Marietta College.

Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan

This is a federal student loan with no interest subsidy. Demonstration of financial need is not required to receive this loan. As with the Subsidized Stafford Loan, loans are processed directly between the College and the federal lender.

Graduate PLUS Loan

PLUS stands for Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students. This is a federal loan that a creditworthy parent of a dependent student may borrow. It does not have an interest subsidy and repayment starts within 60 days after the loan is fully disbursed.

Alternative/Supplemental Loans

Alternative/Supplemental Loans are another option for students.  A creditworthy co-signer is usually required unless the student has an acceptable credit history. As a student loan, they are deferrable but do not have an interest subsidy.

Students should complete their FAFSA, compare the different loan options, and work with the Marietta College Office of Student Financial Services early to ensure the funding for their education is secured.

Information Technology (IT)

The Office of Information Technology (IT) keeps Marietta College in step with the latest computer and wiring systems, helping the College maintain an academic atmosphere that encourages access to global knowledge and the sharing of information. To that end, IT delivers assistance and support for all faculty, staff, and students. IT is staffed from 8 a.m. - 9 p.m. Monday-Friday and accepts tickets 24x7.  The best way to get help is to use the services on their website and they'll contact you as soon as possible.

The Network Use Policy constitutes Marietta College’s policy for the management of computer networks, all computers and other devices connected to those networks, and the resources made available thereby.  Responsible, acceptable use always is ethical, reflects academic honesty, and shows restraint in the consumption of shared resources.  Marietta College’s information technology resources exist to support the educational mission of the College and must be used appropriately and in accordance with local, state and federal laws.  You will be held accountable for your use of Marietta College’s information technology resources.

Center for Health and Wellness

  • Website

  • Location: Harrison Hall, 7th Street entrance

  • Phone: 740-376-4477

  • Email:

  • Hours: During academic year: Monday - Friday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. with reduced summer hours - call for an appointment. After hours counseling may be available upon request - call for appointment

The Physician Assistant Program Director, Medical Director, and program faculty are not to participate as health care providers for students, except in emergency situations (A3.09).  

All students requiring medical care or counseling will be referred to the Center for Health and Wellness.  To make an appointment, call during office hours. In emergency situations, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.

The Dr. J. Michael Harding Center for Health and Wellness (CHW) is an integrated wellness center offering services in two areas: Health Services and Counseling Services. Their mission is to provide high quality medical and psychological services as to achieve and/or maintain a healthy lifestyle for each student and to create a learning environment that supports that status.

As such, they have specific goals, which guide their work:

  • Provide high quality psychological and medical services to students in need.
  • Provide primary prevention programming and consultation to students, faculty, and staff that aims to facilitate healthy development and psychological functioning of students and systems
  • Ensure that the services we provide are vital, current and ethical

All sessions are confidential, and no information is released to anyone without student permission. The obvious exceptions to confidentiality include cases that involve imminent harm and danger to self or to others.

The CHW is staffed with qualified healthcare providers, including a supervising medical doctor, a physician assistant, and two registered nurses. Services include general medicine, injury and wound care, physical exams, routine gynecology, allergy shots (when coordinated with the student’s current provider), travel medicine, and limited lab screenings and vaccinations. All services provided by the CHW on-site are covered by student fees. However, students will be responsible for any charges not covered by the student fees (i.e., outside consultations, lab work, X-rays, prescriptions, etc.). While the health services provided on campus are very comprehensive, they are not complete. At times students may require outside consultations, hospitalization, or ancillary services. Unless otherwise requested, Marietta Memorial Hospital has agreed to perform emergency services, lab work, and diagnostic imaging for Marietta College students. Any other outside consultations required will be done per the student’s preference. We encourage any student with special or chronic health concerns to stop by the clinic so that we may be aware and more able to serve any particular need.

The CHW provides individual counseling focused on a range of clinical issues. The CHW currently has 3 counselors on staff that work from a variety of theoretical perspectives. Marietta College students come to the CHW for a wide variety of reasons. Some students find that talking with a counselor once is sufficient to resolve the immediate concern. Many of the students who come into the CHW are experiencing academic difficulties, including time management issues, concentration problems, lack of motivation, or questions about study skills. Some students may be having trouble adjusting to the rigorous and higher demands of the PA program or may be having relationship issues with friends, family, etc. Many of our clients have a specific concern related to depression, anxiety, alcohol or substance abuse, eating concerns or a similar clinical issue.

ARC Writing Center

  • Website

  • Locations: Thomas Hall - Room 222; Legacy Library - Drop-in and Appointment based tutoring available

All writers, regardless of their ability, can benefit from the process of peer review. The Writing Center at Marietta College provides a collaborative, supportive, and instructional environment where writers work closely with peer Writing Consultants to strengthen their writing. We strongly believe that the process of peer collaboration plays a key role in fostering growth and understanding in the writer, not just in the paper.

The Center is a place of learning and is open to all writers across the college community who desire to improve their writing confidence and self-editing skills. Writers seeking help with the brainstorming, researching, drafting, or revising stages of their papers are welcome. Writers can schedule free, in-person and online tutoring (synchronous via Microsoft Teams or asynchronous via email).

PA students are required to utilize the writing center throughout their capstone project culmination.