Immunization and Health Screening Policy (A3.07a, A3.17b)
The MC PA program takes seriously its responsibility to maximally protect students, staff, and patients from all potential health threats including infections, and follows the Center for Disease Control (CDC) Recommendations for Health Care Workers and state specific mandates.
Students are required to provide proof of vaccination or immunity with the immunizations and titers listed below PRIOR to matriculation into the MC PA program and when applicable, PRIOR to the clinical phase. It is the student’s responsibility to keep up-to-date with all immunizations and health screenings throughout the 26-month program. Failure to do so will prohibit the student from starting/continuing their clinical experiences. (A3.08c)
If proof of the primary series cannot be furnished then a titer will suffice. Proof of vaccination alone is not regarded as sufficient.
The student must upload their immunization records, titers, and other matriculation and pre-clinical requirements to Typhon.
Vaccination and Laboratory Documentation Requirements
Vaccination | Documentation Required | Initial Laboratory Documentation Required | Additional Vaccination and Laboratory Documentation |
Measles, Mumps & Rubella (MMR) | Date of administrations | Yes: quantitative IgG Titer | If no serologic evidence, repeat vaccination series and obtain repeat serologic testing |
Hepatitis B | Date of administrations | Yes: quantitative Hep B surface antibody titer | If no serologic evidence, repeat vaccination series and obtain repeat serologic testing |
Varicella (Chicken Pox) | Date of administrations or diagnosis/verification of a history of varicella | Yes: quantitative IgG varicella titer | If no serologic evidence, receive vaccination series and obtain repeat serologic testing |
Tetanus, Diptheria, and Pertussis (TdaP) | Date of administration must be within last 10 years1 | N/A | |
Influenza | Date of administration (annually)2 | N/A | |
COVID-19 | Date of administration (s)3 | N/A | |
Meningococcal (MenACYW and MenB) | Date of administration(s) | N/A |
- Pregnant individuals should be revaccinated during each pregnancy.
- The program will arrange for both didactic and clinical students to be vaccinated annually (in the fall) by the Marietta College Center for Health and Wellness.
- Annual vaccination is strongly encouraged as it may be required by specific sites.
***Vaccination requirements may change at the discretion of the program to reflect current CDC recommendations for healthcare providers
Tuberculosis (TB) Screening and Management Policy for PA Students
This policy outlines the requirements for TB screening, testing, and management to protect PA students and others within clinical settings while promoting the safety of PA students.
1. Baseline Screening: All PA students must complete TB screening by a licensed health care provider 3 months prior to matriculation into the program. This includes:
- Risk Assessment: A documented TB risk assessment.
- Symptom Evaluation: Completion of a questionnaire to identify any TB-related symptoms.
- TB Testing: TB gold test with documentation provided to program.
2. Management of Positive Test Results: PA students with positive baseline results (indicating latent TB infection) must:
- Submit documentation of a medical evaluation, including a chest X-ray and risk factor assessment.
- Initiate and complete treatment for latent TB infection (LTBI) as advised by a healthcare provider.
- Provide clearance documentation prior to clinical placement.
3. Post-Exposure Protocol: In the event of known or suspected exposure to an individual with infectious TB:
- PA students must immediately report the incident to their program administrator.
- The student must seek medical evaluation to include symptom evaluation and repeat TB testing and provide documentation to the program.
4. Ongoing Monitoring and Testing
- Annual TB Testing: Routine annual testing is not required unless:
- There has been documented exposure to TB.
- The student is placed in a facility with ongoing TB transmission risks.
- Students with symptoms suggestive of active TB disease must immediately undergo medical evaluation.
Clinical (A3.08c): Students entering the clinical phase of the MC PA program are required to ensure all matriculation and pre-Clinical requirements and training, excluding seat deposit and transcripts, are up to date and submitted into Typhon. In addition, ACLS documentation must be uploaded.
Clinical rotation affiliates may require additional vaccines and health clearances that are not listed above. Students are responsible for obtaining all clearance requirements for individual clinical affiliates prior to attending that clinical rotation as requested by that clinical affiliate.
Students who do not complete the requirements will not be permitted to participate in direct patient care activities or enter the clinical phase of the MC PA program until all of the requirements have been met and confirmed by the MC PA program.
Students who fail to complete these requirements in a timely manner may be referred to the MC PA program Progress and Conduct Committee for recommendations and/or disciplinary actions (See MC PA Program Progress and Conduct Committee) including not being allowed to enter into the clinical phase of the MC PA program or dismissal from the MC PA program. (See Program Dismissal Policy) A delay in beginning the clinical phase of the program will result in a delay in the student obtaining their diploma and ability to sit for the PANCE with financial responsibilities on the student.
All expenses are the responsibility of the student. (A3.08c and A3.12f)