Here to Help
Campus law enforcement is primarily the responsibility of the Marietta College Police Department. MCPD officers provide 24 hour-a-day law enforcement to the campus, parking lots, residence halls, and on-campus fraternity, sorority, and theme houses. In addition, they promote fire safety and awareness by means of demonstrations, programming, and constant inspections.
MCPD is made up of sworn campus police, and are commissioned as peace officers under 1713.50 of the Ohio Revised Code and have full authority within the campus community. All incidents of criminal activity are investigated by competent trained officers. If necessary, assistance may be requested from the Marietta Police Department or the Washington County Sheriffs Office, or BCI (Bureau of Criminal Investigation).
MCPD is located next to The Gathering Place 7th and Butler Streets with an officer on duty 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Their responsibilities include office and administrative support, campus patrolling, traffic and parking control, and special events. MCPD handles all matters relating to the safety and security of the campus community and offers a variety of services, including late night escorts across campus. MCPD also is responsible for issuing identification cards to students, faculty, and staff.
The Marietta College Police Department provides a daily incident log highlighting the nature, date, time, and general location of each incident reported. It is up to the individual person to request this information. The log is available Monday through Friday by noon. Weekend logs are available at noon on Mondays.
Potential criminal activity and other emergencies on campus may be reported directly by any student, faculty member, or employee to MCPD by dialing (740) 376-3333.
Timely Notification
Incidents affecting the safety and security of the entire campus community must be reported in a timely manner. When appropriate, the Dean of Students Office will make a timely report to the campus community regarding the occurrence of crimes that are considered by the institution a threat to students and employees. The Dean of Students will decide when the issue is critical and will utilize the voice-mail, e-mail, or text messages to deliver the information.
Security Policies and Procedures
MCPD enforces federal, state, and local laws. They also are responsible for public safety services such as crime reports, medical emergencies, and traffic accidents.
Marietta College recognizes that alcohol and other drug abuse are national problems, and the College actively pursues a program of education on those issues. Marietta College believes that alcohol abuse and misuse conflict with the goals and purposes of a liberal arts education, and therefore supports a policy of responsible alcohol use. Illegal use of drugs is incompatible with the basic purposes of an institution of higher learning. Those who indulge in such activity or encourage others to do so are jeopardizing both the mission of Marietta College and their own right to participate in it.
The legal drinking age in Ohio is 21. The possession or use of any alcoholic beverages in violation of the statutes of the State of Ohio on Marietta College property is forbidden. The violator is subject to disciplinary action by the College as well as the State. The College will not interfere with strict enforcement of the laws regarding drugs and their abuse or with the imposition of penalties upon those who may break the law. In addition, the College reserves the right to act upon cases of drug abuse through its own judicial procedures. It is the responsibility of assistant directors, resident assistants, sorority supervisors, MCPD personnel, and the staff of the Dean of Students Office to enforce the College policies.
Marietta College has developed a comprehensive program of assault prevention education. The program includes both curricular and co-curricular dimensions and includes components for faculty and staff as well as students. Each fall semester, all first-year students at Marietta College must attend a two-hour session on date rape. Attendance at the program is a requirement of the College Experience Seminar class, which is part of the Colleges General Education Plan. In addition, the College sponsors an annual Sexual Assault Awareness Week during the fall semester of each year. Past Sexual Assault Awareness Weeks have included programs on such topics as acquaintance assault, self-defense, abusive relationships, and communication skills. This week of intensive programming supplements the on-going efforts sponsored jointly by the Offices of Student Life and MCPD. Programs for faculty and staff include annual training programs for resident assistants and assistant directors, regular campus-wide forums on topics related to sexual violence, and frequent educational programs related to the College's policy on sexual harassment and other forms of assault. MCPD and the Office of Student Life actively participate within these organizations to provide alternatives.
Crime Statistics and Crime Rates
In accordance with The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1998, Marietta College provides information relating to crime statistics and security measures to prospective and current students and employees. The College's Campus Police submits an annual Crime Report to the U.S. Department of Education, available here.

Campus Escorts
An escort service is provided by Marietta College Police Officers to any student, faculty or staff member with an injury or need for assistance. Any person needing an escort should contact MCPD at (740) 376-3333 or x3333 from an emergency call box. A call 15 minutes prior to desired escort time is appreciated.
Night Escorts are also available to and from College buildings, vehicles or dorm rooms. Anyone desiring a night escort should call MCPD at (740) 376-3333.
MCPD can also always be contacted from any call boxes located throughout campus.
ID Card FAQs
- Where is my ID card used on campus?
Your Marietta College ID card is used to access residential buildings, your dining services and meal plans, vending machines, and printing/copier access. You are given access to the building you live in, as well as all academic buildings, with your ID card.
- How do I use my ID card to print?
Your ID card allows you to print at the Library's two printing stations, as well as at any of the copiers located across campus. There are no charges for printing at these copiers.
- How do I report my card as lost or stolen?
Go to the Marietta College Police Department across from Tim Hortons. This will allow you to deactivate your old card and receive a new one at the same time.
- Where can I replace or obtain my ID card?
The MCPD office next to The Gathering Place can provide you with a replacement ID card in the event of lost, stolen or broken ID cards. There may be a fee associated with replacement, depending on how it was broken.
- Who do I contact for additional information or questions?
Contact the Marietta College Police Department at (740) 376-3333 and someone there should be able to answer any questions about your ID card or direct you to who can help. Please do not contact the Student Accounts department with questions about ID cards as they will be unable to help you.